Public Information
Click on logo for the latest official information.
Tendring District is not a smoke free zone and therefore people are allowed to have bonfires. Where smoke from bonfires creates nuisance Tendring District Council has legal power to take action. For guidance about bonfires go to the TDC web page.
Care Line
Tendring District Council operates a 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year Care Line personal alarm service, that supports almost 3,000 clients of all ages who want to live independently and safe in their home.
Coasts and Heaths
The local Suffolk and Essex landscape is designated as a National Landscape (previously known as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty). Information about the area, including Wrabness, published by Coasts and Heaths team can be viewed HERE. National Landscapes is the new name for the UK’s designated Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
There are three public defibrillators at Wrabness:
- Outside Wrabness Village Hall, Station Road, CO11 2TJ installed by Wrabness Parish Council in partnership with East of England Co-op.
- At Wrabness Station on platform 1 installed by Greater Anglia.
- Outside the shower/laundry block at the Stone Lane Caravan site near Wrabness beach, installed by the site operator.
The defibrillators are housed in secure key pad protected yellow boxes. In a local emergency involving suspected cardiac arrest the Ambulance Service operator directs callers to the nearest defibrillator recorded on their system as currently operational, and provides the key pad code to open the box. The defibrillator can then be collected and taken to the casualty.
Local Elections for Essex Count Council, Tendring District Council and Wrabness Parish Council are held every four years. Click HERE for details of the councillors elected to represent the Wrabness area.
On 2 May 2024 elections were held for the Essex Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.
The General Election for Members of Parliament took place on 4 July 2024. Wrabness is part of the Harwich and North Essex Parliamentary Constituency.
You need to be on the Electoral Register to vote in elections.
Wrabness residents wishing to support the Harwich Food Bank can donate direct to the Foodbank - it is open on Tuesday and Friday mornings to receive food donations at the Portakabin, Morrisons Car Park, Garland Road, Harwich, CO12 4ON.
Flood Warnings
The Environment Agency issues flood warnings for the East Coast, including low lying areas of Wrabness adjacent to the river. You can also Sign up to get warnings by phone, email or text message if your home or business is at risk of flooding.
Gocompare has put together a guide about preparing for flooding and protecting property at -
Fly Tipping
The authority with powers to deal with fly tipping is Tendring District Council through their environmental health team. They state anyone caught fly tipping will be issued with a fixed penalty notice and/or prosecuted. Complaints about fly tipping and litter problems can be made on-line at .
Harwich Harbour Guide
The annual Harbour Guide offers useful information if you are planning to get afloat on local tidal waters including the River Stour.
Details of hospital services and contact details are available below.
Mobile Library
*** REVISED SERVICE *** As from 6th January 2025 the County Mobile Library comes to Wrabness on a Monday every three weeks between 2.15pm -2.45pm. The library van parks outside Holbrook View in Rectory Road.
Neighbourhood Watch
Wrabness is a relatively safe place but crime can occur anywhere. If you see anything suspicious note the details and contact the Police on 101. In an emergency always call 999.
Essex Police Fraud Alert provides advice about current scams.
The Anti-Social Behaviour team at Tendring District Council deals with community safety issues such as vandalism, fly-tipping, abandoned cars, noise, uncontrolled animals and graffiti. They can be contacted on 01255 686359 or report ASB on-line.
Power Cuts
UK Power Networks advise if you or someone you know needs extra support during a power cut sign up for their Priority Service Register. This free service is offered to customers who are dependent on medical equipment, customers who are chronically sick or have a disability, customers with young babies; nursing or residential homes and elderly customers. For more information visit UK Power Networks site or call on 0800 31 63 105 (from a landline) or 0333 32 32 105 (from a mobile).
Roads, Pavements and Verges
To report potholes, highway defects or obtain information click on the official Essex County Council Highways website.
The Wix and Wrabness Primary School is situated at Colchester Road, Wix, click on the School website for information.
The nearest secondary schools are situated at Harwich or Manningtree.
Waste Collection & Recycling
Tendring District Council provide the household refuse collection service. At Wrabness the collection day is normally on a Thursday. Please remember to have your rubbish and recycling on the boundary of your property by 7am on the day of collection but no earlier than the night before.
There are a range of Local Recycling Points including the Essex County Council domestic waste Recycling Centres at Dovercourt, Lawford and Kirby-le-Soken. There is a subscription garden waste recycling collection service provided by Tendring District Council.