Wrabness Litter Pick
Wrabness Parish Council
Residents and visitors are invited to join the annual Spring Litter Pick at Wrabness on Saturday 9th March.
Starting from Wrabness Village Hall car park at 10.30am teams of pickers will depart to comb the local roads, footpaths and verges for litter and returning to the Village Hall for 12 noon, where a soup and roll lunch will be available. Join in for a morning with other good hearted volunteers to help tidy up the village. This event has been organised annually by the Wrabness Parish Council which has arranged safety vests, bags and gloves for participants.
Contact Information
Richard Colley
- 07989 560026
Find Wrabness Parish Council
Wrabness Village Hall, Wrabness, Wrabness, Manningtree, Essex, CO11 2TH