Local Grants
Wrabness Community Grants support Wrabness community charitable or not for profit organisations enhance village life. Parish Council grants have been awarded to a range of Wrabness village organisations including the Village Hall, Community Shop, Playing Field Association, All Saints Church, Stour Ladies, Youth Club and the Pantomine Group. Please note grants cannot be awarded to support an individual or commercial business. Grants are available:
- To improve a community facility or support a community activity.
- For community organisations and clubs wishing to promote fund raising events at Wrabness Village Hall.
Please see the Guidance and Application Form.
Grant Applications must be submitted to the Parish Clerk and are determined on their merits by the Parish Council. The Parish Council reserves the right to award less than the sum sought or refuse applications; in which case a reason will be given, but the Council will not engage in further correspondence on the matter. Once the allocated grants budget has been spent no further grants will be awarded until the next financial year. Please note the funds the Parish Council can make available for grants to other organisations are limited by law.